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Terme Merano

Terme Merano s.p.a.
Piazza delle Terme 9
IT-39012 Merano
Tel. +39 0473 252 000
Fax. +39 0473 252 022
E-Mail: [email protected]

Legal representative: Stefan Thurin

Chamber of commerce: Bolzano
No. of entry Chamber of commerce: 00120820212
Nr. REA: BZ-48632
VAT-Nr.: IT00120820212
Receiver code: M5UXCR1
Fiscal code: 00120820212
Shareholders' equity: 45.379.972,60 € (fully paid)
Responsibility for contents: Therme Meran AG (address as above)


Mandatory information according to the EU-Regulation N. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council:
Platform for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR) to the European Commission:


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Terme Merano s.p.a. has made every effort to ensure that the information contained in this web site is accurate. However, Terme Merano s.p.a. makes no warranty, either expressed or implied as to its preciseness, correctness and completeness. Terme Merano s.p.a. is not responsible for the content of external web sites linked to its site by hyperlink. Terme Merano s.p.a. reserves the rights to change and adapt the current content without prior notice.

The Personal Data Controller

The Data Controller for personal data collected and processed as a result of access and use of the website is Terme Merano s.p.a., located in 39012 Merano. The contact person for privacy-related matters is Mr. Cappello Andreas.

For detailed information on the management modalities of the site regarding the processing of the personal data of the users, please go to the "privacy policy" document.


Terme Merano s.p.a., Alfred Tschager, Manuela Prossliner, Luca Meneghel, Arianna Viola, Bielov, DOC srl, Foto Staschitz, Tappeiner, Christian Gufler, Helmuth Rier, Gimi Sommese, Alex Filz, IDM/Angelika Schwarz/Clemens Zahn/Alex Filz - © 2024

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The content and graphic of the Terme Merano s.p.a. website is protected by copyright. Written permission must be gained in advance from Terme Merano s.p.a. before reproducing any of the web site content. This applies particularly to texts, text extracts and all graphic material.


© Terme Merano s.p.a. 2024 - All rights reserved.